Five Simple Shoulder Movements and Working With Spirals of the Legs

Education, Exploration, and Movement

Chris Ruane 4-24-2021

In the first part of this presentation, we’ll look at the movements of the shoulder joint and explore five somatic shoulder exercises and hands-on pandiculations. These can be easily incorporated into a bodywork or massage session, in a private movement session, yoga or Pilates class, integrated into a gym training session or HSE classes and client work. Next, we’ll talk about the spiraling nature of alignment, comparing and contrasting overlaps found in the red, green, and senile postures of Hanna Somatics, with a focus on legs. The skills you learn will allow you to integrate a full leg pandiculation, using an individual’s habituated pattern, to succinctly introduce Hanna Somatic work into a Bodywork, massage or private movement session. They’re also great additions to your work with HSE clients!

Chris Ruane, LMT, CHSE, is a clinical Hanna Somatic Educator and Practitioner, Maryland Certified Massage Therapist, 500 hour Yoga and Pilates teacher with over 19 years of experience and is currently pursuing a BA in Psychology at UMBC and comprehensive Pilates training with Balanced Body. A true movement detective, Chris’s focus is to help others achieve full range of movement in a pain-free body and to teach others how to find those limitations for themselves and their clients, in and outside of the classroom. 

9170 Old Annapolis Rd.
Columbia, MD 21045
(410) 852-3613


Making Friends with Your Pelvic Floor


Fingers, Hands, Wrists, Arms, and Shoulders