Find A Practitioner

This professional directory can help you locate a Certified Hanna Somatic Educator who is a member of AHSE. The Association for Hanna Somatic Education neither endorses nor recommends the individuals listed here. The information is provided to help you find the best practitioner for your particular needs.

 Keyword Search

  • Location—Country, State, City, Province, Parish, etc…

  • Status—Currently practicing, Accepting new clients

  • Name—Practitioner’s full name, first name, last name

  • Professional HSE Offerings—In-person, Online, Classes, Sessions in-person, Sessions online, Classes in-person, Classes online, Office, Travel to you.

  • Languages Spoken—Enter language(s)


 Practitioner Map

  • Click a map marker or circle to find practitioners in that area of the map.

    • Circles—indicate a large number of practitioners in one area. You will need to click on the circles to get to the individual AHSE logo marker (Soma Person) for a practitioner.

    • Marker—The AHSE logo (Soma Person) indicates an individual practitioner.

  • Once the practitioner's window is open you can:

    • Click on the name of the practitioner to view their professional profile.

    • To explore that local area you can zoom in and out or click and drag to view an adjacent area of the map.

    • To return to the larger map view, just close the practitioner window by clicking the “X” in the top right corner of the practitioner window.


Listed by Location

Blue underlined name links will take you to that practitioner’s profile page.
To return, just click the back arrow in your browser.

United States:






South Korea:


United Kingdom:

When you become a Certified AHSE member:

 Online Classes

You can use the blue button below to help translate class times into your time zone

White underlined time and interval links will open an e-mail where you can contact the certified practitioner about their upcoming HSE classes. To return to this page, just click the back arrow in your browser.







When you become a Certifed AHSE member: